Saturday, 9 January 2010
Hank the American Engine - Completed!
It's been another lovely porject to do, and i can happily say to all users following this blog and watching it, that Hank is now fully f...
Thursday, 7 January 2010
Hank OO (WIP) - 50% Done!
Hank is steadily coming along, it's looking just like the real thing, but in scale OO (Ho in america). This is turning out to be one of ...
Sunday, 3 January 2010
Hank OO - WIP
With Rosie now completed, i have now moved on to do my next new project, which is none oter than Hank the American, who is being made with t...
Friday, 1 January 2010
Rosie OO - Complete!
It has been a long while since i did any modelling, and i am happy to say and show you all that Rosie, is now officially 100% completed and ...
Happy New Year!
A very happy new year to one and all, the Thomas Modeller wishes everyone all the best for 2o10, and looks forward to modelling more new cha...
Thursday, 31 December 2009
Webmasters Apologies
Dear all blog followers and viewers. I must apologise for the severe lack of updates over the last few months, i have been so busy with my ...
Thursday, 27 August 2009
Donald and Douglas - Complete!
Well, it's been another good project, and it has turned out better than i had expected, although the chassis maybe shorter than the real...
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