Greetings one and all, i must first apologise for the lack of updates to this blog. I have been very busy with new projects in my time and have lacked updating severly due to work and getting stuck into my new projects.
Firstly, Douglas is halfway near completion, the boiler, cab and smokebox have been built and the chassis mounted to the scratchbuilt runningplate, so i am hopin to have Douglas completed by the end of next week, if all goes well with the model.
Secondly, the new layout i designed has began construction and all the trackwork has been pinned to the baseboard and tested. All tracks and sidings work nicely with full power, so i have only to solder the wire to the rails to keep power permanently running through the rails.
The proposed layout i am modelling is Elsbridge from the first series of Thomas The Tank Engine, the station has some nice features to it, such as the footbridge, canopy and the road where Thomas and Bertie raced each other. I am modelling the layout using pictures i printed off the computer for reference, and adding some of my own details to the rest of the layout once Elsbridge has been built and detailed.
I have decided that once Douglas is complete, i will move on to my next new project, which will be a re-model of my old Rosie. The model will be made from an old playcraft 0-4-0 mould, or, i might just scratchbuild her completely, but i am waiting for a good friend of mine to send me a list of parts i need in order to make her.
Well, that's all for now, will keep you updated as soon as more progress is made.
bye for now
The Thomas Modeller
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